Tag: vista themes Q4 VS
This is a theme i wanted for a long time.Completely black and minimal.Since there was no available i made it.It's not perfect yet but i'm working on it.Theme is inspirated with Q4 feather for Songbird.
When i started to work on this theme i had a lot of time but after only a several days i had to focus my time on some serious private work and i neglected theme.I'm still very busy but i found time to post what i have done before.I'm very sorry cuz i delayed this so much and cuz i didn't have some free time to work more on this.
Q4 is aero theme for Vista (sorry no basic didn't have time )
I work on Vista SP2 but i think it's going to work on all versions.
As you can see it's black and clean i think nothing more nor less.
Thanks everybody for support,favs and comments.I didn't have time to answer to all of you or thank you personally for support.
Icons used in preview are [link]
Dock is Object dock without background.