Tag: Longhorn Duo
Longhorn Duo for windows themes vista
by ~paradox31102
OK... so here is an update to my previous theme Longhorn Reload, as with the 1st version thanks to miretank [link] for sharing his resources. I've renamed it Longhorn Duo to keep it distinct from the numerous previous versions, AND because ive included a "matching" FireFox theme.
Two versions of the Visual style are included, one with mods in the start menu to keep the white searchpane from showing up, but this causes the color of the explorer searchpanes to be black when active and not very usable, so a normal one will be included as the defualt.
The toolbar background is performed via stylish script, a link is included to install the script just read the directions if you dont understand something.
Fixes in start menu:
All Programs text color changed to white
No more grayish color when searching in start menu
No more white search pane in style B(with downfalls...)
Start icons updated and changed to proper side in Jade menu
New Jade menu shutdown and logoff buttons