Tag: xp themes Superbar Dark Aero
Dark Aero with Superbar for XP themes
Hey Deviant Artists,
This is my first post @ DeviantART.
After a long search, I failed. and created this one myself.
This package includes :
1. Two Themes (REASON : Read the ReadMe inside the package)
2. ViStart (Modified backgrounds of Start Menu, TWICE and NO BLUR)
3. ViGlance
4. TransBar
5. A Wallpaper - Matching for the AeroTSB Color Scheme
NOTE: This theme doesn't uses any light color window borders (THAT I SAW in most of the other Windows 7 related themes.)
This one has dark window borders (Black Colored, Not even grey ) that looks like Windows Vista ones, and I think they look Awesome.
You may use utilities like "BorderSkin" to get window borders like of Windows 7, but I didn't preferred to use it as it eats up the whole of the system resources while dragging or when there are lots of windows opened on the screen.
Still if you want to try it, then you can get its info and download link at here - [link]
Best view of theme is @ 1280x1024
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION in the Text file inside the package.
EDITED : 04 April, 2011
Edited the package.
+ Added two different start menu skins. (The one in the preview is set as default.)
x Fixed the userframe.png file - made it into black & white.
+ Added a "SWAP.bat" file to swap between two different start menu backgrounds.
To switch between two menus, just go to ViStart folder (where you have extracted it) and run the "swap.bat" file out there by double-clicking it. This will make you swap between two different start-menu background images.
Please comment/vote about this one. And I would like to receive more suggestions about this theme.
-Abhinav Dabral aka CODE WAVE