Tag: Blue Luna Element
free Luna Element v5.1 Blue for Windows XP visual style themes download
Luna Element v5.1 Blue, is a Windows XP visual style and is inspired by the WinXP default theme Luna. A few parts are still in original design so I can't take credit for everything. This theme is also inspired a little by the Windows Vista GUI. It's a nice combination of old and new in my opinion.
To use this theme you need to patch the Windows system file uxtheme.dll. You can read about how to do that here: [link]
When you have patched uxtheme.dll you place the .msstyle in desired folder and run it.
If you want to use the included Logon place 'logonui_blue.exe' in C:\ and run the included logonui_install.reg.
Before reporting any bugs try and think of and explaination why the bug occurs and don't assume immediately it's a VS problem. Here are 2
"bugs" I know of:
* Black text background for checkboxes in some applications. (Application bug)
* In Firefox the scrollbar glyph doesn't change color on hover. (Firefox bug)
* Multi row taskbar does not look good. (Theme)
Modifications and application skins
Sure, no need to contact me about it. A link to my DeviantArt page is appreciated.
Wallpaper available here: [link]
Don't forget to let me know what you think This theme is concidered finieshed, so if you don't like it, don't use it.
If you want you can support my work by donating. Visit: [link]
No shellstyle? That's right. Disable it.
Update: Fixed the toolbar background. Removed white line at the top so it looks better in IE7. I think it looks better everywhere else too.