Tag: Vista xp themes Another Remake
Another Vista - Remake
In memory of Loony... He posted this work earlier here in but he deleted it after he left. Loony entrusted his site to another person. This is a remake of Loony's Another Vista. Credit goes to WindowsX for the original resources lent to Loony, loonyinmate for giving me permission to post this remake and Vishal Gupta for the shellstyle. Thanks to these people!
1. Download Uxtheme Multi-patcher 5.5 [link]
2. Run the executable to patch your resource. This will allow you to use third-party visual styles. The program is safe and easy to use.
3. Browse to %Windows\Resources\Themes\ and place the folder containing the visual style with its included folders.
Comments and Suggestions are welcome. Please send me your feedback on my work. Expect to see more in my gallery. My other works could be found at [link]
This package is a copyright of counteralchemist.
Uxtheme Multi-patcher 5.5 was made by Windows X
Another Vista 2.2 was made by loonyinmate