NEXTLEVEL Xp v1.0 BETAV for windows xp themes
Version 1.290311
NEXTLEVEL FOR Xp NORMAL TASKBAR. I was supposed to release the Windows 7 superbar version first but because I'm still waiting for a permission i can only release this Normal Taskbar Version.
This is a Xp version of the original NEXTLEVEL for Vista by Vathanx: [link]
In this package there are:
-A visual style
-NEXTLEVEL border skin with NEXTLevel buttons I made myself
-Nextlevel styler toolbar I made
-Nextlevel Vistart by Balderoine ( I'VE GOT PERMISSION TO RE-POST IT) Orb for Vistart by Biondini: [link]
To use this, it's simple:
1.After you opened the .rar file, first open the "NEXTLEVEL" folder and double click the Visual style to use it.
2.Double click "Border Skin" you'll be asked where to install it, install it where ever you want.
3.Drag the styler toolbar theme into the styler directory.
4.Double click the folder "Vistart", and you'll see "Vistart Onestep". Double click that.
5.Drag the folder "Aero Explorernx" to your Borderskin "themes" directory.
Wallpaper: [link]
: [link]
maybe you won't see much difference between the 2 versions but actually it IS quite different. It's much more like the original.