Tag: xp themes Windowblinds Radiate
Radiate WindowBlinds xp themes
After a few days of hard work, I am privilaged to present to you, my Radiate Windowblinds skin!
After finally obtaining Skinstudio 4.6, I've been able to add a few cool new features. All the features in this WindowBlinds skin are as follows:
+ Explorer Toolbar Icons
+ Internet Toolbar Icons
+ Custom Toolbar Throbber
+ Progress Animations
+ Titlebar Button Sounds
+ Titlebar Button Glow
+ System Button Glow
+ Animated Start Button
+ Start Button Glow
+ Translucent Startpanel
+ Checkbox Glow
+ Radio Button Glow
... And So much More!!
2 Substyles, and Custom-Colour Support, so now you can Radiate in your Own Style!!
Radiate is a full suite, featuring Logons, Cursors and more! So check that all out too.
Some Notes: For all the Latest Glow Effects, you require WindowBlinds 4.6. The Font Dungeon.TTF should automatically Install, and is included with the File.
For now, Enjoy!!
free Radiate Cursors downloads