Tag: Black Vista xp themes Revolution
Vista Revolution themes for windows xp
by ~snipes2
Hello everybody!
It's been a while but here comes my latest deviation!
It is my first WINDOWBLINDS SKIN!!
Some Months ago I saw thin wonderful style for Windows Vista. Unfortunately there was nothing like this for Windows XP.
The original Work is here:
Anyway this is not my work at all,
I took some different elements from some Styles I don't remember exactly...
(I made this style at first for my personal use only, so I'm very sorry for that!)
But I made the borders and some other things...
If anybody recognises his elements in that work, He can contact me!
The skin is nor finished at all, if you want to improve it, feel free to do so, but please send me a message.
The pack contains:
The wallpaper from the screenshot is from here:
Please comment or fave!