Tag: Red Alienware
Alienware HQ Red for Windows 10 Creators Update AKA 1703
Download: virtualcustoms.net/showthread.…
Theme Includes
custom cursors
custom sound pack
shell32 images
start button
Theme Extras
Genuine Image
Shellbrd Orb
HUD Machine White iPack
Theme Credits
Original theme by designfjotten
Imported and modified by Shemhamforash
Mr GRiM - custom import scripts
Theme Changelog
Rebuilt borders and caption buttons for Windows 10 style caption buttons
Added date, immersive context menus and new SiB++ taskbar skinning - modded taskbar thumbnail mouse over preview window
Made various fixes from the Windows 8.1 theme - fixed start search content margins, modded aero snap, modded copy/close/pause images
Added compatibility for using the theme without Aero Glass