Tag: iConadams
FREE iConadams theme in Windows 10. Finally you can enjoy the iConadams Theme style to follow up with the iConadams icons, flat and clean design, iConadams has a range of icons with the perfect solution to create a fast, clean and organised desktop with a modern and pleasant design. These flat design icons are completely integrated in the last OS .
* it's free Wink/Razz I appreciate to subscribing my Youtube channel : www.youtube.com/channel/UCWm6o…
* only tested in Version 1511 (November Update)
Get some versions theme here niivu.deviantart.com/art/iWin-…
Link to Installation instructions and download: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOpdnx…
link for windows icons pack installer : sellfy.com/p/kVdS/