Tag: Vista Shell32 XPSP3
Vista Style Shell for XP SP2 and SP3.
The download contains two (2) Shell32.dll's. One with a 'double folder', for those who like them fat, and a "single' folder (Microsoft default) for those who like 'em traditional. Either one will work with either Service Pack. (See screenshot)
Updated! New optional Recycle Bin menu entry
The desktop context menu (right click) is exactly as shown.
I've also removed the keystroke underlines, as they do not appear in Vista.
Again, credit for this shell goes largely to others, including, but not limited to KampongBoy94 (icons), Picassa243 (bitmaps) and Desktop Squared (for Copy/Move dialogue. If you see something of your creation, please let me know at once, and I'll credit your contribution.
Also, again, I have tried to limit the size of Shell32 to under 15 MB while still including the realism of much larger shells. This allows for faster and more stable loading-up and avoids the RAM over-run notice Windows exhibits with larger Shell32 replacements.
The throbber, though I don't use it, has been updated.
Several AVIs have been as well.
Always backup system files before replacing.
Directions: Using the enclosed Replacer utility, put shell32.dll into your System32 directory and restart your PC. If some icons appear not to have changed on rebooting, consider downloading TweakUI, a small utility from Microsoft (free) or another icon cache cleaning utility.