Tag: Blue win7 theme tones
blue tones windows 7 theme download
i just found my very first visual but did not know how to save my visuals for download and share as u can till i am way better now than i was then but i think i did o.k. on this one considering it was my very first real visual style and no mod of anybody theme i thought i deleted it or lost off my hard drive but go through old usb key drive and found it on it start make it in late july.2009 and finish it in oct.2009 but did not know u could not save as a window theme pack for people to download lol than nofx1994 taught me how to save my visuals for download thanks to himanyways, enjoy!it includes:4 wallpapers 1 by me rest off net,custom icons and cursors i think i had found at customize.org credit to makers and my thanks 2 start orbs by me.the fonts for theme must be install first .i did not post at virtual customs cause it got changed or something but i cant upload like prior so i going to half to figure out i hate do that but i will read or ask mr.grim why changed and try to see how to post now someday in future i taking care my mom now is real sick