Tag: Glass Win7 themes Onion
free Glass Onion for windows 7 desktop themes
for Windows 7 x86 & x64
created by Solmiler
Fullsize Preview 1
Fullsize Preview 2
09/APR/2011 Updated:
- Added Wallpaper by Lars Bjork, check out His Flicker Page for more great photos
- Fixed the active state of Address bar in Windows Explorer
- Fixed white background on Time and Date, on Dusk VS
- Black font on AltTab window.
- Fixed Command module pressed button state
- Fixed new program indicator in start menu.
- Light Background in control panel to remove white square glitch.
- New Comand Link Buttons
- Fixed Voume Control Color on Dusk
- Fixed gray backgrounds on Dusk on firewall dialog window.
This VS is for Windows 7. It's tested and working on both 32 and 64-bit versions. Updated for SP1
- Contains two sub styles : Dusk 'n' Dawn
- Supports top, bottom and left taskbar,
- Has two different fonts: Calibri and Windows default Segoe UI font.
- Beautiful wall [link] from Lars Bjork [link]
INSTALLATION: Detailed instructions can be found in the included README file
Used in preview:
Wallpaper by Lars Bjork
Icons: [link] and [link]
LED Cinema Display by Nemed [link]
-Clock: 10-Foot-HUD-YBoris [link]
-Corner Ribbons: [link]
Thanks for the help: DaveSenior2010
*MrGRiM01 ~RajTheeban95
Lars Bjork [link] for a beautiful wallpaper.