Tag: Skin Kaskus
Kaskus Skin Pack 1.0 x64
Transform Windows 7 To Kaskus
Windows 7 , Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 - [X64 (64Bit)]
Note : Skin Packs installer have easy and safe install option , Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new version. Before install disable user account controller and close all runnig program , after finish restart your system.
Resource Hacker
Moveex 1.0 by Alexander Frink
Universal Theme Patcher by deepxw
Win7BootUpdater v0 Beta 1 by jeff
RocketDock 1.3.5 by PunkLabs skin by me
Boot Screen by LeoThink
Skin Pack Toolbar by bigseekpro
Sorry For My Bad Indonesian
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