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minimalis theme for windows 7 download

Posted by admin on 2013-03-31 23:45 Published / Views Click

Tag: minimalis
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free minimalis theme for windows 7 download
size: 1.8 mb
Author: lithium3r 
Author’s Notes
Experimental visual style. I had to do a compromise since frames cannot be deleted completely, therefor i used white frames.
It might look messy or not so eye cathing in certain places.

Some elements which aren't important for me have not been skinned, still they aren't default.
Taskbar has low opacity reflections on it. I resized taskbar to fit my screen (1680x1050) rather than using tile as sizing option.
It may not look good on any other resolution !

Im not happy with the captions. I'll change them when i'll come up with something more minimal look.

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