Tag: Red Wine
Red Wine for win7 theme download
This was meant to be a dark variant of Peggy's Pastels based on an image that Peggy gave me, but it didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to. Furthermore, it was too red for her liking. However, it wasn't a complete flop because it was a decent starting point, and the end result is this.
I tried making an Aero version and it isn't at all clean because of all the assumptions about the colours that Windows makes, so I won't be releasing an Aero version.
Double-click the .themepack file to apply the theme.
Colours used
ActiveBorder=102 12 8
ActiveTitle=64 0 12
AppWorkspace=67 9 5
Background=147 9 0
ButtonAlternateFace=192 192 192
ButtonDkShadow=64 32 32
ButtonFace=102 12 8
ButtonHilight=192 64 56
ButtonLight=102 12 8
ButtonShadow=67 9 5
ButtonText=255 255 255
GradientActiveTitle=217 11 0
GradientInactiveTitle=134 4 2
GrayText=192 64 64
Hilight=192 0 0
HilightText=255 255 255
HotTrackingColor=255 0 0
InactiveBorder=102 12 8
InactiveTitle=0 0 0
InactiveTitleText=239 44 33
InfoText=255 217 173
InfoWindow=64 0 0
Menu=102 12 8
MenuBar=102 12 8
MenuHilight=192 0 0
MenuText=255 255 255
Scrollbar=192 64 56
TitleText=255 255 255
Window=64 0 0
WindowFrame=0 0 0
WindowText=255 255 255