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Vista-esque Midnight (Green) desktop themes

Posted by admin on 2015-10-02 21:36 Published / Views Click

Tag: Green
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Green variant of Vista-esque Midnight.
Double-click on the .themepack file to apply the theme.
Colours used
ActiveBorder=32 32 32
ActiveTitle=18 91 30
AppWorkspace=21 21 21
Background=15 45 30
ButtonAlternateFace=192 192 192
ButtonDkShadow=0 0 0
ButtonFace=32 32 32
ButtonHilight=128 128 128
ButtonLight=32 32 32
ButtonShadow=21 21 21
ButtonText=255 255 255
GradientActiveTitle=100 168 60
GradientInactiveTitle=18 91 30
GrayText=32 32 32
; Hilight=1 124 224 ; 1 113 216
Hilight=32 128 44
HilightText=255 255 255
HotTrackingColor=64 180 64
InactiveBorder=32 32 32
InactiveTitle=18 91 30
InactiveTitleText=192 192 192
InfoText=255 255 255
InfoWindow=0 30 0
Menu=32 32 32
MenuBar=32 32 32 
MenuHilight=32 128 44
MenuText=255 255 255
Scrollbar=128 128 128
TitleText=255 255 255
Window=0 0 0
WindowFrame=0 0 0
WindowText=255 255 255

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