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free Aiee windows 7 desktop themes

Posted by admin on 2017-03-11 11:04 Published / Views Click

Tag: desktop themes Aiee
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free Aiee windows 7 desktop themes

A theme inspired by Internet Explorer (IE). This uses the colours from the logos of versions 4 through 8.
Double-click the .themepack file to apply the theme.
Colours used
ActiveBorder=227 238 251
ActiveTitle=4 118 180
AppWorkspace=232 239 249
Background=68 125 183
ButtonAlternateFace=181 181 181
ButtonDkShadow=65 187 241
ButtonFace=227 238 251
ButtonHilight=250 254 255
ButtonLight=238 244 252
ButtonShadow=211 214 217
ButtonText=0 62 109
GradientActiveTitle=251 211 61
GradientInactiveTitle=0 207 247
GrayText=88 152 231
Hilight=251 211 61
HilightText=0 62 109
HotTrackingColor=0 0 128
InactiveBorder=227 238 251
InactiveTitle=0 159 223
InactiveTitleText=0 62 109
InfoText=0 62 109
InfoWindow=255 243 185
Menu=227 238 251
MenuHilight=251 211 61
MenuText=0 62 109
Scrollbar=242 248 253
TitleText=255 255 255
Window=255 255 255
WindowFrame=0 0 0
WindowText=0 62 109

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